Spanking Blog Posts:
Too Cute To Spank
From Spanking Blog: "You wouldn’t spank a cute and friendly thing like me, would you? Why, yes. Yes, in fact I would..." (More...) Includes Spankings
From Spanking Blog: "The new site is a delight to anyone whose spanking fetish is, like mine, a subset of a broader enjoyment of female bottoms and the myriad ways they can be used, abused, spanked, punished, and played with. The site's stated mission is to celebrate “ass play in all its forms” and boy howdy, does it ever deliver! Butt plugs, enemas, fisting, and good old-fashioned anal sex are all prominently featured, but the site also delivers quite a bit of serious spanking action..." (More...)Girl Scout Spankings
From Spanking Blog: "Have you ever wanted to see a Girl Scout spank a cheerleader? While, now you can. It seems the cute female roommates at My Spanking Roommate were getting dressed up for Halloween (or was it Slut-oween?) when they got in a nasty argument about the rent. Of course it could only be settled in one possible way: with a bare bottomed over the knee spanking!" (More...)Buy Spanking gear from Adult Empire:
This 20" whip is made from 12 strands of black leather lacing with silver metal spikes attached to the ends. It has a beautiful, dangerous BDSM appearance! The sensation this whip produces when slowly dragged over the skin is AMAZING! Handle this whip with care during your BDSM play as it can be severe...
This straight rattan cane is perfect for your BDSM discipline scenarios, and will easily deliver stripes and welts on submissive bottoms. Do you enjoy tears? This cane will get 'em for you. Rattan is similar to bamboo, only stronger and more flexible. The handle is covered in soft suede leather...